According to the data from the Czech Statistical Office for the year 2022, the number of organized conferences last year finally approached the results from the pre-COVID period, at least to some extent.
If we take the state of 2019 (the last year unaffected by the pandemic) as a target to which we want to get closer again, last year we reached 82% of the number of organized events in the South Moravian Region. In terms of the number of participants in the same area, we reached 77%. Furthermore, from the graph, it can be seen that in 2019, an average of 89 people attended each conference, while in 2022, this number dropped to 84 people.

For the separate district of Brno – the city where the majority of conference tourism in South Moravia is still concentrated – the situation is as follows: in 2022, there were 1,328 conferences held in Brno, which is 68% of the 2019 result. The number of participants reached 70% of 2019.

It is apparent from the above that in recent years, there has been a significant outflow of organized conferences from the city of Brno to the surrounding region. This is clearly visible in the following graphs. While in 2019, only every fifth conference took place in the region (outside of Brno), last year this ratio was much more balanced. The region attracted as much as 34% of all organized events. It will be interesting to see how this trend will develop in the future.